Terror in the Shadows vol. 15: Terror in the Shadows Anthology
Terror in the Shadows vol. 15: Terror in the Shadows Anthology
Terror in the Shadows vol. 15: Terror in the Shadows Anthology
Terror in the Shadows vol. 15: Terror in the Shadows Anthology

Terror in the Shadows vol. 15: Terror in the Shadows Anthology

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There’s always a new nightmare lurking in the shadows…

A prison break ends in terror when the fugitive discovers there’s more than just his freedom on the line. The dead return for vengeance when a spiritual medium is cruelly murdered. And a trail of missing children in the frozen wilderness leads to a creature even deadlier than the local predators…

Scare Street is proud to present thirteen tales of supernatural horror in one ghastly collection. A diabolical catalog of nightmares and fiendish creatures, never before seen in daylight.

They say new experiences are good for the soul. And the spirits hiding in this shadowy netherworld have so many new sights to show you, new shivers to send down your spine, new creatures to stalk you through the night.

And new ways to make you scream in horror…




“He’s finally asleep.” Norah twisted around to smile at her approaching husband.


The motion pulled at the healing flesh of her C-section incision. Stifling a gasp, she clutched the side of the crib and waved a hand toward Alex.


“I’m okay. It’s nothing.”


Alex scowled. “This is why we agreed you’d take the night off.”


“But Bear—”


“Can survive on pumped breast milk for one night so his momma can rest,” Alex cut in. “Come on, Mrs. Royston. I’m taking you back to bed, and you’re going to stay there.”


“You’re so overprotective.”


“Yeah, well, you knew that when you married me.” Alex gave her shoulders a playful squeeze. “It’s one of the few things you would have known about me.”


“Given the time restraints, I think I learned a lot.”


They had met on a Las Vegas street when her waters broke and, after a long and horrific labor, married just before she was rushed to an emergency C-section that no one had thought she would survive. Alex had tried to calm her with stories of his hometown, and it had been the most surreal experience of Norah’s life. A stranger had perfectly described the fantasy world she had imagined. The place she retreated to when life became unbearable. A sapphire blue lake nestled amongst old-growth forests and snowcapped mountains. A place where everyone knew each other, and children played until the fireflies came out. Someplace safe and beautiful, where she could be happy. A place where life was perfect.


Alex had only been in Las Vegas for a mandatory training seminar required for his new job as town Sheriff. He hadn’t enjoyed it and now never wanted to leave his picturesque hometown again. Norah had instantly agreed. She wanted Lake Ogopogo. She wanted the life she could have there so badly that the month of recuperation had almost driven her mad. But they finally made the journey across the country and she was home. This was the first night of her real life and everything that had come before could be left behind to rot.


“Come on, honey.” Alex yawned. “Let’s get some sleep.”


Smiling down at her infant son, Norah sighed contently and cuddled into her husband’s chest. “Can’t we watch him for a second longer?”


Alex chuckled and rested his head on top of hers. She suspected he was slightly dozing. Flecks of snow drifted past the window, illuminated by the exterior Christmas lights that filled the room with changing colors. Everything was quiet and peaceful.


Where you hiding, baby girl?


Norah jerked toward the whispered voice.


“Hey, what’s wrong?” Alex asked.


“You didn’t hear that?”


“Hear what?”


My father.


The confession died in her throat.


Dad’s dead, she reminded herself sharply. I killed him a long time ago.




“I don’t know.” Norah forced a laugh. “I’m being stupid.”


“No, you’re not. Look, I get that this is a huge change for you. It can’t be easy going from the constant noise of a city to woodlands and all its critters. Things are going to be weird for a while.”


Norah sighed as he kissed her forehead.


Dad’s gone, she told herself. He’s not coming back. I’m safe.


“Maybe it was an owl,” he suggested. “They can sound a bit creepy.”


“But it’s snowing. They wouldn’t come out when it’s snowing, right? They’ll freeze.”


Alex looked at her with thinly veiled amusement. “They’re used to it.”


They got two steps to the door before she noticed his agitation.


“What’s wrong?” Her heart sank. “Did you hear something before?”


“No, no, nothing like that. It’s just something Ma said that’s stuck in my head.”


Norah bit her lips and forced a smile. Faith Royston hadn’t been all that excited when her son went to Las Vegas for a week and came back with a wife and a newborn. A natural reaction, maybe, but not something Norah could let stand. She couldn’t let anything threaten her new life, so she was determined to win the old woman over.


“I love your mother. I know she’s a little… apprehensive about me. But I’m sure that’ll change when we spend more time together.” She placed a hand on the center of Alex’s chest. “What did she say that has you so worried?”


“It’s nothing horrible. It’s just, well, she asked why you’d want to name your firstborn after my father instead of yours, and I didn’t have an answer for her. It got me thinking. Do you realize that you’ve never mentioned either of your parents?”


Memories of things better left to nightmares and shadows began to creep into her mind.


“Oh, there’s nothing to discuss, really. It’s getting late. I’m tired.”


“Norah, you can talk to me.”


He needed something. She wasn’t sure how much she could give him without revealing the truth of what they were and what she had done to them.


“I’m an orphan,” she blurted out. “A car accident. It happened when I was very young. I don’t remember much about them.”


“I’m sorry.”


“It’s okay.”


He pulled her into a hug, his fingertips absently tracing the old scars that littered her back. Norah could almost feel his mind working.


“Is that how you got these?” he asked.


No, they’re from when I killed the other man.


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    See you in the shadows! 👻

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